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Articles & Reports

Legal Publications


You will find here a list of reports prepared and published by our team of Advocates, Mediators & Arbitrators. These are available for one-click download, and can be used for your research work, projects or learning purposes. However it should be noted that the Palladium Legal and the authors of the reports  are in no case liable for any consequences of using these reports in lieu of proper legal advice. The information contained in this site is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. You should not act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content included in this site without seeking legal or other professional advice. 

  • Our Legal Publication authors for Indian law:

Adv. Jash Dalia, Advocate

Adv. Shilpa Ratnakar, Advocate

Adv. Abhishek Laha, Advocate

  • Publication authors for International Arbitration and Mediation:

Julia de Beurges Rosenthal, International Arbitrator and Mediator

Harry Kenny, International Arbitrator and Mediator


Any further inquiries may be cleared by reaching out to us via our “Contact Us” page.

1. Hurdles of International Arbitration in India

pdf reports_palladium legal Hurdles Of International Arbitration In India.PDF

2. Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in India

pdf reports_palladium legal Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in India.PDF

3. Palladium Asset Freezing

pdf reports_palladium legal Palladium Asset Freezing.PDF

4. Arbitration Consternation: Paths to Enforcing International Arbitral Awards in the UK

pdf reports_palladium legal Arbitration Consternation: Paths to Enforcing International Arbitral Awards in the UK.PDF

5. Legal Ramifications of AI in Employment: Balancing Innovation, Fairness, & Rights

pdf reports_palladium legal Legal Ramifications of AI in Employment: Balancing Innovation, Fairness, & Rights.PDF

6. Consumerism Schism: Legal Challenges in Pollution, Waste, and Unethical Practices

pdf reports_palladium legal Consumerism Schism: Legal Challenges in Pollution, Waste, and Unethical Practices.PDF

7. Artificial Assent: Reviewing the use of AI in Contract Formation

pdf reports_palladium legal Artificial Assent: Reviewing the use of AI in Contract Formation.PDF

8. Cross-Border Data Dynamics: A Holistic Post-Brexit Governance Blueprint

pdf reports_palladium legal Cross-Border Data Dynamics: A Holistic Post-Brexit Governance Blueprint.PDF


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